Hi there! Are you getting married soon and need to start looking for wedding vendors? You probably don’t really know where to start or how to find the right vendor who will meet your expectations… Then you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, I give you my three Wedding Planner tips to find the right wedding vendor, the one who will understand the style and atmosphere of your wedding and who will make this day unforgettable!

Organisation de mariage à l'étranger

1 - Draw up a target budget before you start looking for wedding vendors

Before you start contacting vendors (I know you really want to!), I’d advise you to draw up a budget that will serve as a basis for all your research. Drawing up a budget for your wedding will enable you to know more or less how much to spend per vendor. This is very important, because there’s a wide range of suppliers in the world of weddings: you could very well find a supplier at €2,000 and another at €10,000 for the same service… yup! 

That’s why having a budget will enable you to better target the service providers you need.

Pro tip :

When you start looking for vendors, you’ll notice that some post their prices directly on their website, while others don’t. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re too expensive and don’t dare communicate their rates! I’d still advise you to contact them if you like their style, just to be sure. And, between you and me, if the service provider is a little more expensive than the budget you initially set, it’s no big deal – you only get married once! You’ll be able to rework the budget by cutting back on other expenses, while still enjoying the service provider you’ve fallen in love with.

2 - Take the time to talk with suppliers

Another very important tip is to take the time to talk to and meet your wedding suppliers. Whether it’s on the phone, over coffee or by video, I advise you to always take the time to meet the wedding suppliers you want to use. This is very important to get to know them, understand their personality, their background, what they like about their job, as this will be reflected in their work and therefore in your wedding day. This meeting will also be an opportunity to tell them your expectations, dreams and doubts about your wedding, and to see if you’re on the same page.

These first meetings are crucial, because it’s generally the time to lay your cards on the table and tell your suppliers what you’re expecting, what your maximum budget is, what you’d absolutely like to have, and so on. For their part, your wedding vendors will tell you if they can meet your expectations.

3 - The most important thing is feeling!

Last but not least, when it comes to choosing your wedding service provider: the feeling! In my opinion, and based on my experience as a wedding planner, this is what counts most when choosing a vendor. After all, your photographer, caterer and DJ will all be present on your wedding day. So it’s very important that you get on well with them, and that they get on well with you! If you feel that your service provider is on the same page as you, both professionally and personally, you can be pretty sure that your wedding will go off without a hitch and in good spirits.

In my opinion, there’s no point in choosing a vendor just because he’s well-known or has 150 good reviews on Google, if you don’t have a good feeling when you meet him. It’s better to choose a service provider with whom you’ve had a pleasant exchange, and who will be willing to give their all to satisfy you on your wedding day

Organisatrice de mariage en France et à l'étranger

 That’s it! With these three tips, you’re already pretty well prepared to start your search for suppliers. Of course, I have a lot more advice to give, and there’s a lot more to say on the subject, as you can imagine. Don’t hesitate to call or contact me if you’d like any advice or support in your search for suppliers!

See you soon!
Be bold!

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