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Hi there! You’re getting married soon and you’re hesitating to hire a wedding planner to help you with the preparations and organization of your wedding? You don’t really know what the role of a wedding planner is, or even the added value of a wedding planner? Then this article is for you!
I’m going to give you 5 good reasons to call on a wedding planner to organize your wedding. Trust me, after this you’ll be convinced!
1 - Keep your free time for your activities and loved ones
Organizing a wedding involves around 200 hours of work! That’s a lot, isn’t it? That’s precisely why it’s a job, and why wedding planners do it full-time.
Can you imagine coming home from work every night and turning on your computer again to look for suppliers, compare offers and prices, request quotes… And doing the same thing all weekend long? At this rate, you’ll soon be bored and annoyed by it all, and your wedding will no longer be a sweet thought but a burden.
My aim as your wedding planner is to help you avoid all this by taking as much of the burden off your shoulders as possible and taking care of everything! So you can enjoy your evenings and weekends with your loved ones and/or your other half!
2 - Benefit from the advice of an expert in the world of weddings
Planning a wedding on your own can quickly become a stressful experience when you’re confronted with this unknown and mysterious world, and realize the diversity of prices, options, vendors… without knowing what’s best or where to start.
Choosing to entrust the organization of your wedding to a wedding planner will enable you to be well advised and guided in your choice of service providers, which will be consistent with the budget you have set yourself, and the idea you have of your wedding. Your wedding planner, an expert in this field with many years’ experience, will open her address book to you and manage your suppliers with a master’s hand right up to the big day!

3 - A listening ear and a confidante who understands your desires
Outre le mariage en lui-même, les préparatifs de votre mariage seront une expérience à part entière. C’est un moment spécial qui n’arrivera qu’une fois dans votre vie, il faut donc en profiter !
But your friends and family may not be as invested as you in the choice of suppliers, flowers, color theme… Having a wedding planner by your side will give you that shoulder to lean on and that listening ear to share with you your moments of doubt, joy or excitement about the big day ahead.
Your wedding planner will be able to reassure you and advise you on the choices you need to make to organize your wedding. She’ll take the stress out of the preparations and make sure they go as smoothly as possible, right up to the wedding day, when she’ll take care of everything so you can enjoy the day 100%.
4 - Rely on someone to coordinate your vendors
If you’re a control freak and a professional organizer, you may want to select your own suppliers and manage your wedding preparations. This is entirely possible. On the day of your wedding, however, you’ll be far too busy to welcome your suppliers, guide them and answer their questions… and that’s precisely the role of your wedding planner!
First and foremost, your wedding planner will be able to advise you on the best suppliers for your wedding. She’ll also be here on the big day to coordinate them, check that they’re delivering their services, and make sure that everything goes according to plan, just as you imagined! As for you, all you have to do is enjoy your nearest and dearest, and your partner to whom you’ll be saying “I do ».
5 - The certainty that your wedding day will go off without a hitch, and even better!
Calling on the services of a wedding planner offers you the comfort of a wedding organized down to the last detail and managed by a professional. Of course, your wedding planner won’t be able to control the vagaries of the weather, nor will she be able to influence the human factor (delays, illness, unforeseen events of all kinds). On the other hand, you can be sure that her planning for your wedding will be solid and well thought-out, that your suppliers will know exactly what they need to do on the big day, and that there will be someone to deal with any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. Hiring a wedding planner to organize your wedding and coordinate your big day means you’ll have someone on hand to rely on, whatever the need.
What do you think? Are you convinced?
If so, I invite you to contact me so that we can discuss your wedding plans. If not, I’d be delighted to talk to you face-to-face to finish convincing you 😉
See you soon,
Be bold!